Thismanslife : Design, Graphics, Photography. James Mellers, Nottingham, UK. This mans life, Phiculator, webdesign, web design, web design nottingham, website design nottingham

thismanslife : home
trivial human insight : 03

Design : Portfolio

Main sections

From Section

Design : Web

From Section

Design : Interactive

From Section

Animation : Linear

Design : Home

Use the links above to browse through my personal portfolio of work, some of which has been created during my time at Mediamaker in Nottingham, the rest is either freelance or personal work.

Partial client list

  • Barclays
  • Boots
  • Cadbury Schwepes
  • Clearasil
  • Coors Brewers
  • E45
  • Eveden
  • Habitat
  • Itchy Guides
  • Karvol
  • No7
  • Nurofen
  • Optrex
  • Saint-Gobain
  • Severn Trent Water
  • Strepsils