Thismanslife : Design, Graphics, Photography. James Mellers, Nottingham, UK. This mans life, Phiculator, webdesign, web design, web design nottingham, website design nottingham

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trivial human insight : 03

Who is : Thisman


James Mellers, 30, Edinburgh UK, Senior UX Consultant & Visual Designer for Adobe.
Previously, Nottingham UK, Multimedia Designer for 7+ Years at MEDIAmaker.

More? See my CV / Resumé

Ok, what's this website for then?

It's my portfolio. At the risk of sounding pretentious, it's "an archive of my graphical output". But, it's desperately out of date...
It's where I put my stuff for you to look at. Now, look at it, then email me to say hello.

Things you don't need to know

  • Born in the 70s, which means I've lived in 4 decades already. This worries me.
  • 6 foot-ish
  • I lived in standard suburbia in central England for far too long.
    Since 2007 I've lived in Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • I've been working as a designer for almost a decade now. What sort of design? Digital, multimedia, "user experience". Primarily working with the on screen medium, I've designed many many websites, user interfaces and online games as well as illustrating, animating, branding, video editing, effects, music, sound... essentially, I make pretty things that you (yes, you) look at and interact with, on screen. I spend a lot of time thinking about you and anticipating your needs and wants, even things you don't know you want.
    I got into the business at the right time. This was a fluke.
  • And now, I'm pretty much where I want to be, moving onwards and upwards...

And finally...

Should you seek a more visual insight, you may wish to view Phontos, my phone cam dumping ground.

James Mellers : Possibly the most handsome man on the planet

Behold : Thismanlife.
James Mellers : Possibly the most handsome man on the planet

Taken summer 2004 atop a mountain, Palm Springs, California. Yes, that's me.
See more pictures from this trip here.

Lusting for more information my inquisitorial friend? Then why not peruse my ever-so-lovely CV / resumé for more juicy facts about yours truly.

Of course, I also have the obligatory Myspace and Facebook pages.

...and my back catalogue of photographs co-exists both here, and on Flickr.